
amkapalîn.f. written notice
amsabaadj./adv. apt, advisable
akalan.f. prudence, insight
akasaraadv. normaly, mostly, often
agaracaconj. although, even if
agalabaadv. mostly, probably
agâuadv. first, before
acarajan.m. wonder, surprise; adj. amazing
acirajan.m. wonder, surprise; adj. amazing
acîrajan.m. wonder, surprise; adj. amazing
ajaban.m. wonder, miracle, extraordinary matter; adj. amazing, strange, astonishing
ajarâhan.m. carrying out, execution
ajarûiprep. from, from the direction of
ajâiban.m.pl. s.. ajaba
ajuraun.m. socage, unpaid labour
arabanum. 100 millions
adhâinum. two and a half
adhâimnum. two and a half
atâlaadj./adv. very, very much
adanâadj. low, poor
adân.f. carrying out, completion, execution
adâban.m.pl. (sg. adaba) good manners; respect; form of greeting
adâlatan.f. judicial court
adhakâran.m. power, authority
adhon.m./adj. half
adhîadj. f. half
anasâran.m.pl. supporters, companions
apracaconj. then, as follows; marks the beginning of the actual content of a letter following the introductory formulas
apramcas. apraca
abûdîyatan.f. service, devotion
abhâlaadj. nowhere to be found, invisible; insignificant
amanan.m. peace, tranquillity
amaran.m. order
amaladâran.m. tax officer
amalân.m.pl. employees; tax collectors
amâmnatan.f. bail, security
amâ.abbrev. of amâvasyâ n.f. the night of the new moon
amâlan.m.pl. deeds, actions
amînan.m. tax officer, responsible for allotment of taxes
amîlan.m. tax officer, responsible for collection of taxes
amumanaadj./adv. normally, generally
aragajaun.m. perfume, ointment
arajan.f. petition; news, information (always used if directed from a person of lower rank to a person of higher rank)
arajîs. araja
arabâban.m.pl. owners, masters; persons attrusted with sth.
alakâban.m.pl. titles, honorary titles, epithets; forms of address in letters
alabataadv. although, certainly
alabatahaadv. although, certainly
alâhadâadv. separately, individually
alâhîdîadv. separately, individually
aluphân.m.pl. food, provisions, daily wages
avadhâr-v.t. to accept, receive, hold
avalanum. first (esp. first of month)
avâdân.f. promise, assurance, arrangement
avârajon.m. record, book-keeping
akhatiyâran.m. leadership, power, authority
asata-dhâtan.f. the eight types of metal; alloy, brass
asabâban.m.pl. (sg. sababa) causes, reasons
ahatayâjan.f. necessity, need
ahadan.m. government, reign
ahadâsan.m. invention, innovation
ahalan.m.pl. people, persons
ahavâlan.m.(sg.!) circumstance, condition
ahasânan.m. favour
ahaidan.m. government, reign
âmtiraipostpos.kai â. within, inside of
âghoadj. far, far away
âghîadj. far, far away
âchâadj./adv. good, sane, healthy
âchâmadj./adv. good, sound, healthy
âjâran.m. illness
âjuradâadj. anxious, sad
âdâ-v.t. to stop, prevent, block
âdî â-to come to one's help, support
âphatîn.f. accident, mishap, misery
âba-run.m. dignity, honour
âmadanîn.f. income, earnings
âmalan.m. tax officer, responsible for collecting taxes on Pargana level
âvâchââ the from southern direction
âsataiadv. slowly
âsarî-bâdan.m. blessing
âsarain.m. shelter, haven
âsâmîn.m. client, subordinate, tenant, servant
âsâran.m.pl. traces, tracks;â. mubârakathe sayingsof Muhammad
âhanîadj. made of iron
imtakâlan.m. transport, transfer
imtakhâbas. itakhâba
imnâdan.m. resistance, rebellion
imkhalâsîn.m. friendship
iatamâdan.m. trust, trustworthiness
ika-num. one (in cmpds.)
ijatan.f. honour
ijatîn.f. honour
ijâphân.m. growth, increase, promotion
ijâphon.m. growth, increase, promotion
ijârân.m. lease; title on land given on lease
ijâron.m. lease; title on land given on lease
itaphâkan.m. event, incident; coincidence, accident
itarâjan.m disapproval, criticism
italâin.f. announcement; advice
itakhâban.m. selection, choice
itahâdan.m. alliance
inatajârîn.m. waiting, expectation
inasâphan.m. verdict, justice
inâman.m. present, favour, honouring
inâitas. inâyata
inâyatan.f. favour, generosity
inâyatîs. inâyata
imatayâjan.m. distinction, honouring
iratabâtan.m. alliance, friendship
irasâdan.m. decree, order
irasâlan.m. consignment
ilatamâsan.m. plea, petition, request
ilâjan.m. cure, healing
ikhalâsan.m. friendship
isatakâmmatan.f. strength, stability, firmness
isatagâson.m. appeal for help
isatîphâs. isatephâ
isatephân.m. abdication, renunciation
isânan.m. favour
isâratan.m. sign, hint
istemâlan.m. custom, usage, practice
ihatîyâtan.f. caution, precaution
ihatyâtan.f. caution, precaution
ukatan.m. time
ujanan.m. weight
ujaran.m. excuse, pretext
ujar-v.i. to be destroyed, laid waste, to rot
utanan.m. homeland
unhâlun.m. summer, summer heat
uparâmtapostpos. after, behind
upâr-v.t. to remove, discharge
uraipostpos.kai u.: in the direction of
uraphaadj. known as, aka
ulûsan.m. tribe, people
usaratan.f. difficult condition, poverty
etabâran.m. confidence
etarâjîs. itarâja
evajas. aivaja
esâmnan.m. favour
aikalâadj. single, sole
aitabâras. etabâra
aitarâjîs. itarâja
aivajan.m. substitute, barter object;ke ai. mai: for, in place of
oghan.m. sum, certain amount of money
odhanîn.f. shawl, scarf
olâdan.f.pl. children, descendants;temura kî o.: the Timurids, the Mughals
ohadon.m.(sg.!) office, position
ohaloadj. single, alone; stealthy
ka.abbrev., s. karâra
kammaitan.m. bay horse
kamraman.m. generosity, favour
kacaharî / kacaharîn.f. court, administration, office of the Dîvân
kacaiharîs. kacaharî
katakâin.f. army
katârîn.f. dagger
katn.m. unit of square measurs; approx. 60sqm
katalan.m. killing, execution
katîn.f. dagger, sword
kadama-bosîn.f. kissing of the feet as a sign of submission
kadaran.f. measure; quantity, value
kadâcaadv. sometimes, perhaps
kadîmaadj. old
kabajan.f. confiscation, take-over
kabâmnan.f. bow
kabîlâs. kabîlo
kabîlon.m. tribe, family
kabulan.m. consent
kamatarîmnaadj. lowest, humblest
kama-besaadv. more or less
karajan.m. debt, credit
karâmmatan.f. generosity, greatness
karâran.m. fixed place; adj. fixed, established
karolan.m. guard
kalâmadj. big, large
kavalan.m. promise, agreement
kavâyadan.m.pl. rules, regulations, drill
kasadan.m. intention, wish, decision
kasaran.f. mistake, problem, troubled relations
kasâyalos. kasâlo
kasâlon.m. trouble, inconvenience
kaharan.m. scorn, anger
kâimas. kâyama
kâilaadj. agreeing, consenting
kâphîlân.m. caravan
kâphuraadj. vanished, gone
kâbilaadj. able; sufficient
kâbu / kâbûn.m. property, authority, power
kâma â-v.i. to fulfill one's duty, to die in battle
kâyamaadj. fixed, established
kâlabâsi / kâlabasîn.m. departed person
kâsîdan.m. messenger, courier
kirâain.m. charge, lease
kîphâitan.f. details, report, account; situation
kîphâitan.f. abundance, availability
kîphâitîs. kîphâita
kîbalagâhîn.m. close friend, reliable friend
kîmamadj. precious, expensive
kîmakhâban.m. brocade
kîyâmmaadj. firm, constant; n.m. stop, whereabouts
kîsatî / kisatin.f. rate, payment, fixed amount
kuca / kûcan.m. departure;k. dara k.: one after the other
kudaratan.f. power, ability
kudarati/-îs. kudarata
kumakan.f. (milit.) reinforcement, support
kumakhas. kumaka
kurakaadj. confiscated
kulaphan.f. problem, difficulty, inconvenience
kuvatîn.f. strength, power
kusalâm-khaimâmadv. happily
ketâkaindec. pronom.adj. some, several
kedan.f. arrest
kaidan.f. arrest
kotarîn.f. small chamber
korâadj. pure, untouched; plain (of paper)
kolas. kavala
gamjûran.m. treasurer
gajaran.m. bell which is rung at the end of a period of three hours (pahara); early morning
ganîman.m. enemy
gaman.m. grief, sorrow
garakaadj. sunken, stuck
garajan.m. mace
garajan.f. reason, motive; aim
garadanan.f. neck
garadanîn.f. neck
garus. guru
gavaras. gaura
girada / gîradan.m. circuit, surroundings
girada pesan.m. surroundings, neighbourhood
gîrânîn.f. recession, decay, poverty
gîlon.m. accusation, complaint
gujar-v.i. to happen; to be presented, handed over
gujasatâadj. past, happened
gujâr-v.t. to hand over, present
gunhagâran.m. man guilty of a crime, offender
guphatagon.f. conversation
guphatagoin.f. conversation
gubâran.m. uneasiness, anxiety
gumarîn.f. boil, ulcer
gumâsatân.m. agent, authorized representative
gumâsatos. gumâsatâ
guraja-baradâran.m. courier, messenger
guru(var. gurû, garu) n.m. The Guru/Leader of the Sikhs (i.e.Bandâ Bahâdur)
gulâla-bâran.m. pavilion, palatial gardens
gulasakhânâs. gusalakhânâ
gusatâkhaadj. rude, arrogant
gusalakhânân.m. bathroom; the room in which the Emperor is giving private audiences
gairaadj. other, strange, diverse etc.; often used as prefix meaningwithout, un-:g. hâjari: absent, unavailable
gailan.f. path, track
goran.m. grave
goras. gaura
gauran.m. grave
gauran.f. attentiveness, consideration, attention
ghanîs. ghano
ghanoadj./adv. big, great, important, powerful; much, very
gharîyâlîn.m. servant announcing the passing of an hour or pahara by thestroke of a gong
ghâtîn.f. valley, mountain pass
cakan.m. ownership of land
cavâvan.m. report, denunciation
câkaran.m. servant, client, dependant
câlîsanum. 40; n.m. period of forty days
cîtân.m. leopard
cîton.m. leopard
cîraun.m. turban
cîsan.m. pain, cry of pain
cedhan.m. district of 560 villages
co-num. four (in cmpds.)
cokasan.m./f. news, information
cotan.f. wound
cobadâran.m. herald, announcing the arrival of visitors
châunîs. châvanî
châmvanîs. châvanî
chânech. ch. adv. repeatedly, again and again, always
châran.m. dust, soil
châvanîn.f. military camp, cantonment
churîn.f. dagger, knife
cheloadj. ready, prepared
chelîadj. f. ready, prepared
chokarân.m. boy
chokaron.m. boy
chokarîn.f. girl
jamjîran.f. chain
janetan.f. procession of the bridegroom's party to the house of the bride
jabataadj. confiscated
jabaradasataadj. violent, superior, strict
jabaradâras. jabaradasata
jabânîadj. oral; n.f. oral or written report which gives a literal account of the original utterance
jabunîn.f. evilness, wickedness
jamaïyatas. jamîyata
jamîyatan.f. army; camp; assembly
jaran.m. gold, silver
jarakhejaadj. fertile
jarâyatan.f. agriculture, harvest, yield
jaribîs. jarîba
jarîn.f. gold thread, brocade
jarîdâadj. distinct, separate; n.m. register, book-keeping
jarîban.f. gauge, unit of measurement (approx. 50 meters)
jalusin.m. meeting, convention
jakhamîadj. hurt, wounded
jasanan.m. celebration
jahaitin.f. remote province, border territory
jâigâs. jâyagâ
m-phîsâmn.f. self-sacrifice
mbas. juvâba
mminan.m. guarantor
mminî / jâmmînîn.f. security, guarantee, deposit, bail
jâgaihas. jâyagâ
jâ-ba-jâadv. here and there
jâbatân.m. rule, regulation
jâmanîs. jâmminî
jâyagân.f. place, position
jâharaadj./adv. obvious, apparent
jâhala1.adj. uncultured, barbarous; 2. adj. negligent, forgetful
jibahan.f. cutting the throat, murder
jilâ / jîlân.m. administrative district
jilo / jîlon.m. administrative district
jîraitîs. jarâyata
jîrâyatas. jarâyata
jîlakâdan.m. a month of the Islamic calendar
jujaadj. small
jujan.m. war
judâgîn.f. absence, separation
jumalas. jumalo
jumalon.m. sentence; a whole, sum
juraatan.f. courage, audacity
julaman.m. misdeed, crime, injustice
julâhon.m. weaver
juvâban.m. answer
juhâran.m. prostration, greeting
jejîyon.m. jizya, poll-tax for non-Muslims
jailan.f. underside; adv. below
jokan.m. taste, delight
jotan.m. pair
joran.m. union, sum, pair
jorîn.f. pair; band (of couriers)
joman.m. strength, power
joran.m. power, authority, strength, energy
jhamjhan.m. scorn, anger
jhamjhal-v.i. get angry, enraged
jhakha-mâr-v.t. to prate, chatter
jharan.m. current, torrent
jhâlarîn.f. garland; cymbal
tâlon.m. delay; retreat, evasion
tîpan.f. note, document, draft
thamdhoadj. solid, immovable
thâhan-v.t. to prepare, provide
thîkan.m./f. news, information;th. par-: to become known, to receive a message
thîkânon.m. rank, position
dâbîn.f. sheaf
dâbon.m. necklace
dâr-v.t. to put, throw
dâlan.m. basket
dâlîn.f. small basket
dîlon.m. body
dugaran.m. hill, hump
dutadj. f. aggressive, violent, mean
duthoadj. aggressive, violent, mean
deron.m. tent, quarters; pl. camp
dodn.f. threshold, door, entrance
dolan.m. tax assessment
dhamdhoron.m. proclamation, public announcement (opened by the beating of a drum)
dhaban.m. way, manner
dhaletan.m. soldier, guard
dhahâ-v.t. destroy, ruin
dhîlan.f. negligence, delay
tambîhan.f. admonition, punishment, (criminal) prosecution
taadîn.f. offence, injustice, violence, tyranny
taïnâta / tainâtan.m.pl. posts, duties; adv. posted, stationed, installed
taïnâthas. taïnâta
takarâran.f. repetition, reiteration, revision
takarîban.f. mentioning, recommendation
takasîman.f. division, partition, distribution; distribution of the assessed taxes on the particular subdivisions of a district
takasîran.f. mistake, offence
takasuraadj. broken, out of order; (money:) wasted
takâdaus. tagâdau
tagalaban.m. cheat, breach of trust
tagâdâs. tagâdau
tagâdaun.m. request, claim, insistence
tagâphalîn.m. negligence, disregard
tagîran.f. worsening, degradation, dismissal
tajavîjan.f. plan, estimation
tadabîran.f. prudence, foresight, precaution
tajavîjîs. tajavîja
tanakhâhan.f. wages, salary
tapasîlavâras. taphasîlavâra
taphajulan.m. generosity
tapharîkan.f. division
taphavîjan.f. transfer
taphasîlan.f. details; list, survey; explanation
taphasîlavâraadj. detailed
taphâutan.m. distance, difference, inequality
tabaran.m. axe
taburakan.m. blessing, good wishes; gifts presented to inferiors
tabelân.m. horse stables
tamasukhan.m. bill, promissory note
tarakîn.f. promotion
tarajamon.m. translation
taravâran.f. sword
tarududan.m. consideration, effort, hesitation
talaban.f. payment, claim; demand, query
talahatîn.f. area at the foot of a mountain
talahaitîs. talahatî
talâkan.f. divorce
talâsan.f. search, persecution; endeavour
talaipostpos.kai t.: under
tavakaphan.m. delay, break
tavajan.m. favour, attentiveness
tavajahan.m. favour, attentiveness
takhatan.m. throne
takhaphîphan.f. making light, reduction; adj./adv. light, simple, insignificant
takhamînân.m. estimation
takharîban.f. destruction, annihilation
tasadîkan.f. confirmation, certification
tasadîn.f. difficulty, problem, inconvenience
tasabî-khânân.m. prayer hall
tasabîha-khânân.m. prayer hall
tasaraphan.m. property
tasalahan.f. consolation
tasalîman.f. obedience, submission
tasalain.f. consolation
tasîhân.m. inspection
tasîhyâs. tasîhâ
tahakîkan.f. investigation, enquiry
tahadilîn.f. dedication
tahavîlan.f. money, cash money, resources
tahavîladâran.m. treasurer
tahasîlan.f. revenue district
tahîras. tagîra
tahaikîkas. tahakîka
tâkatan.f. strength, power, ability
tâkîdan.f. strict order, admonition, force
tâkîyadas. tâkîda
tâjîman.f. reverence, respect, greeting
tâdîban.f. punishment, torture
tâban.m. anger, passion
tâbînan.m.pl. subjects, servants, followers
tâbutan.m. coffin
târîphan.f. praise, approval
târîkhan.f. date accorcing to the Islamic calendar
tâlakan.m. ownership of land
tâlîkân.m. appendix, list, register
tuphânan.m. storm, turmoil; grave injustice
tumavâran.m. book-keeping, register, note
tumâras. tumavâra
tesan.m. anger, scorn
tokan.m. iron fetters (around the neck)
tojîhan.f. description, explanation, account
toton.m. loss
tobacîn.m. artilleryman
taukas. toka
taujîhas. tojîha
thâman.m. pillar
thelîs. thailî
thailîn.f. bag; bag in which letters are sent
dapheback, rejected
dama-ba-damaadv. anytime, repeatedly
damarîn.f. a coin, worth an eighth of a Paisâ
dayânatadâran.m. man of honour, reliable man
dara â-to come in, appear
darakâraadj./adv. needed; useful
daragâhan.f. portal, door
dara gujara kar-v.t. to pass by, overlook, neglect
darabâbaprep. with regard to, for
darakhâsatan.f. wish; request, appeal
darân.m. mountain pass
darâms. darâ
darâmadan.m. income, earnings
darogan.m. lie
darogan.m. high-ranking officer, police officer
dalagîraadj. terrifying, narrow, menacing
daladalan.m. swamp, mire
daleraadj. courageous
dalerîn.f. courage
davâban.f.pl. livestock (of the Imperial stables)
dakhanîadj. southern; n.m. Maratha
dasakatas. dasakhata
dasatakan.m. list, register
dasatagas. dasataka
dasata-râsaadv. within reach
dasataras. dastûra
dasaturas. dastûra
dasakhatan.m. written communication
dastagiriphtaun.m. protector
dastûran.m. rule, regulation, practice
dahanum. ten (in cmpds.)
dahasatan.f. fear, fright, terror
daha-serîn.f. weight of 10 seers (approx. 10kg)
dâgan.m. brand
dâga-nâmân.m. register of livestock marked with a particular brand
dâdanîn.f. wages, pay
dâmacopper coin; 1 Rupee = 40d.; next to the rupee the mostcommon currency to be met in the documents
dâlânan.m. hallway
dâvân.m. claim
dâkhalaadj. come, present, entered
dikatin.f. suffering, toil, inconvenience
dîyânatadârîn.f. honesty
dila-join.f. consolation, compassion
dilâsâ / dîlâsân.f. consolation
ts. dîtho
thoadj. visible, apparent
dîlabarîn.f. kindness, devotion, sympathy
dîvâmna âlân.m. prime minister, Vazîr
du-num. two (in cmpds.)
du-cammadv. two times, double
durîadv. far, far away
mdan.m. argument, debate
dovamanum.ord. second
dolatan.f. wealth; government, reign
dolata-madâran.m. seat of government; epithet of the ruler
dolatan.f. wealth; government, reign
dyaudn.f. threshold, door
dhakân.m. push
dharak-v.i. to get angry, be angry
dhâya-bhâin.m. foster-brother
dhiraja / dhîrajan.m. determination
dhukadhukîn.f. ornament; jewel worn on a necklace
dhugadhugîs. dhugadhugî
dhokan.m. greeting, bow
nampharan.m. person, individual; num. used to count humans:camda n.: some people
nakadan.f. cash money
nakada-jînasan.m. money and goods
nakasan.m. weakness, vice, damage
nakadîn.f. cash money
nakasân.m. map, plan, sketch
nakîban.m. aide, servant
nagadan.f. cash money
nagâron.m. drum (presented as a mark of distinction)
nagînon.m. precious stone; signet ring
najaran.f. look, aspect; favour;n. kar- / n. gujarâ-: topresent, hand over
najarabamdaadj. under surveillance, captured
najarîs. najara
najâkatan.f. politeness, tenderness
nat-v.i. to refuse, say no
nalavon.m. box made of bamboo sticks in which letters are carried
navâjasan.m. contribution, care
navâsîran.m.pl. wounds, ulcers
nasâta1. n.f. happiness, well being; 2. n.f. product, creation, creature
nasîhatan.f. advice, admonition
nâ-kâbalaadj. unable, useless
nâjan.m. supplies; fodder
nâjaran.m. low-ranking officer; supervisor
nâjukaadj. small, subtle
nâ-durasataadj./adv. wrong, unapt
nâyaban.m. deputy, vice-
nâlan.m. cannon, gun
nâlasan.f. accusation, complaint
nâlisan.f. accusation, complaint
nâkh-v.t. to throw
nâsapâtîn.f. pear
nâharan.m. tiger, lion
nimcharâvalin.f. present; money distributed on certain celebrations
nigârasan.m. letter, communication
nigâha-dâsatan.m. supervision, inspection
nihâyataadv. very much, very
nîatas. nîyata
nîkân.m. wedding
nîmâjan.m. prayer of Muslims at fixed times, Namâz
nîyatan.f. intention, objective, wish
nîyâbatîn.f. vice-regency
nîrakha / nirakhan.m. price
nîrâtaadv. very, completely
nîvâjasas. navâjasa
nîvajasîs. navâjasa
nîsabata / nisabatan.f. relation, comparison
nîsâmn.m. assurance, bestowal; sign
nîsâran.m. present, sacrifice
nukasânan.m. loss, damage
numâin.f. demonstration
neka-khuvâhan.m. friend, well-wisher
no-num. nine (in cmpds.)
nobatan.f. drum (presented by the Emperor as a mark of distinction)
nosyamn.m. writer, clerk
naubatas. nobata
pamja-num. five (in cmpds.)
pamjîrâin.f. blend of five different spices, offered as prasâ
pagâran.m. bank of river, ford
pagharîn.f. turban
pachârîn.f. rear part;kî p.: postpos. behind
padakan.m. medal, brooch, badge
payâdâs. payâdo
payâdagânan.m.pl. foot soldiers
payâdon.m. foot soldier
parataadv. anytime
paratapâlan.m. protection
paratalan.m. baggage, burden
paradâkhatan.f. pay
parabhâtîadv. in the morning
paravânân.m. written order, written confirmation
paravaran.m. helper, guardian
paravaradâadj. protected, supported
paravarîs. paravara
paravânân.m. written order, written confirmation
paravâmn.m. written order, written confirmation
paravâmnon.m. written order, written confirmation
paravâiadj. needy
paravâhan.m. care
palepostpos.kai p. at a distance of...
pasemânan.m. remorse
pahairâmvanîn.f. garments (presented as a ceremonial gift)
pâghan.m. turban
pâtara khâmn.m. brothel
pâyabâkîn.m. rest, spare money
pâya-mâlîadj. destroyed, ruined
pâra utar-v.i. to cross (a river); to accomplish a task
pâsavânan.m. guard, guardian
pitârân.m. large basket
pîjaron.m. cage
puthan.m. back
purasân.m. inquiry
pukhatâadj. strong, solid
pusatan.f. backside
pusatainaadj. hereditary, inherited, traditional
pesas. pesa
pesaadv. forward, in front
pesakasan.m./f. present ( to a person of higher rank); petition, submission
pesakâran.m. officer; lower ranking tax-officer, book-keeper
pesa-dasataadj. eminent, excellent; n.m. assistant
pesavâjam. garment, skirt
pesakhânan.m. the Emperor's tent
pesânîn.f. eye-brow
paigâman.m. communication, information, news
ponan.m. wind
poharon.m. watch
pharadan.f. list, survey
pharadâadv. tomorrow
pharamâyasan.f. order
pharamûdân.f. order
pharamûdon.f. order
pharamosan.m. forgetting, oblivion
pharâhammaadj./adv. assembled, together
phahamîdaadj. understood; intelligent
phâragaadj. free, unencumbered
phâhasaadj. bad, indecent
phîramn.m. European
phîrayâdan.f. appeal for help, complaint
phîla-khâmn.m. elephant stables
phîsâdan.m. rebellion, mutiny
phîharasatan.f. list
phuramâyasan.f. order
phesalan.m. verdict
phaisalan.m. verdict
phaija bakhasaadj. generous; n.m. benefactor
bamda-basatan.m. management, organisation
bamdukan.f. musket, rifle
baïdaadj. far, far away
bakas-v.t. to distribute, present, hand over
bakasîn.m. cashier, high-ranking tax-officer;b.-garî: officeof theb.
bagataraposaadj. armed, in armour
bagalagîrîn.f. embrace
bagasîs. bakasî
bageraprep. without
bajamnasas. bajanasa
bajanasaadv. in detail
bajadaadj./adv. serious, firm
batân.m. loss
badajâtîn.f. baseness, meanness
badaraadj./adv. outside
badh-v.i. to grow, spread
bamaiprep. alongwith
ba-mûjaba /ba-mujabaprep. because of
bayânan.m. description, account, explanation
bara â-v.i. to appear, come out
barakamdâjan.m. guard
bara-gasatâadj. changed, illoyal
bara-taraphaadj./adv. aside, apart, gone, dismissed
barabâdiadj. destroyed, laid waste
barasa-gâmthan.m. birthday
barasâyatîn.f. rainy season
barasâ-hîadv. all the year
barahammaadj./adv. confused
barâburadîn.f. calculation
barâmadakâran.m. pursuing one's business
barâvaradas. barâburadî
ba-vâkaïadv. really, indeed
bakhatan.m. part; time; point of time
bakhasîs. bakasî
bakher-v.t. to spread, diffuse
basekhan.m. glory, distinction; adv. above all, especially
bahalan.m. two-wheeled ox-cart
bahânân.m. pretext
bahâlaadj./adv. as always, as usual
bahaikâ-v.t. to mislead
bahainan.f. sister
bâc-v.t. to read
bâjan.m. falcon
bâja khâ-v.t. to examine
bâjîn.f. agreement, settlement
bâjubamdan.m. anklet
bâjesome, several
bâjais. bâje
bâdajaprep. after
bâdariadj. made of cotton
bâdhapostpos.sum b.: larger than
bâbatan.f. affair, matter; postpos. concerning
bâbati/-îs. bâbata
bâra-baradâran.m. transport, means of transport
bâralîs. bâralo
bâraloadj./adv. outside, somewhere else
bâvarîn.f. well, small tank
bilâ-kasûraadj. faultless, blameless
bilauran.m. crystal, crysal glass
râm. pan
bîrayân.f. time, period of time, hour, moment
bîkh-v.i. to become visible, apparent
bunagâhan.f. rearguard, baggage train
bûtâtan.m. expenses, charges
be-âba-rûadj. dishonourable;b. kar-: to insult, degrade, demote,humiliate
beinum. both; two
bedhan.m. fight, war
berîn.f. chain, fetter (for feet)
bemavakaiadj. improper, untimely
beran.f. time; delay
be-sabûtaadj./adv. without witnesses, yet to be proven
baicâkaadj. ill, weak
bairakhan.f. flag, banner
bodarîn.f. smallpox
bauhatâyatan.f. abundance
byâjan.m. interest
byâpârîn.m. merchant
byâhîn.f. bride
byauraun.m. report, statement
byauhâran.m. business
bhagamdaran.m. abdominal disease, fistula
bhâmmjaun.m. sister's son, nephew
mamjalan.f. home; stop on a journey; destination
makahuraadj./adv. defeated, conquered, subjected
magaruraadj. proud
majakuraadj. aforementioned, remembered
majabutaadj. heavy, solid
majamumnan.m. content (e.g. of a letter)
majalasan.f. meeting, convention
majâlan.f. strength, power, courage
matâliban.m.pl. wishes, demands
matavajais. mutavajaha
matâhan.f. goods, property
madatan.f. help, support
manâsibas. munâsiba
manaimadj.adv. prohibited, impeded
mamnaimadj.adv. prohibited, impeded
manheadj.adv. prohibited, impeded
maratabân.m. time, occasion
maradâmnagîn.f. courage
maradânagîn.f. courage
marahamatan.f. mercy, compassion; favour
marâmhaman.f.pl. favour, presents, gifts
marâtin.f.pl. times, circumstances
marâhamas. marâmhama
mavaïjân.m. compensation; ransom; revenge
mavâphakaadj. apt, acceptable; postpos. in accordance with
mavâphikas. mavâphaka
mavâphakatan.f. agreement, correspondence
mavaisîn.f. livestock
makhaphîadj. hidden, private, secret
masadaran.m. place of origin, starting point
masarûta / masarutaadj. limited, conditional on sth.; n.m. fixed share of taxes for the Zamindar
masalîn.f. comparison; files, papers
masalahatan.f. good advice
masakharîn.f. joke, fun
masodon.m. draft of a letter
mahakuraadj. low, poor, miserable
mahamânîn.f. hospitality
mahasulaadj. collected (money); n.m. result, total
mahîran.m. seal
mahoras. mohara
mâitâmother and father
mâkulaadj. apt; good, satisfactory
mâjûlaadj.adv. disposed (from office), degraded, fallen from grace
nasan.m. man; servant
mâtabaraadj. trustworthy
mâtaman.m. sorrow, grief
mâphakas. mavâphaka
mâphikas. mavâphaka
mâruja / mârûjaadj. written, presented, submitted
mâruphaadj. famous
mâlîtas. mâlîyatî
mâlîyatîn.f. wealth; yield, revenue
mîjamânîn.f. hospitality
mîjâjan.m. mood, temper, health
mîradhân.m. officer commanding a platoon of ten soldiers
mîsamâradestroyed, ruined
mîsalaprep. like, as; n.f. similarity; file
mumtakhibaadj. select, chosen
mumsakhasas. musakhasa
mukadaman.m. trial
mukadaman.m. senior, leader
mukadaraadj. entrusted; fixed
mukararaadj. fixed, laid down
mukariras. mukarara
mukâmmâtipl. of mukâma
mukâbalâs. mukâbalo
mukâbalon.m. meeting, encounter (in battle)
mukâbilâs. mukâbalo
mukâbilos. mukâbalo
mukâman.m. stop, temporary place of residence
mucalakon.m. bail; written obligation (of an accused to appear at court)
mujarâs. mujaro
mujaron.m. greeting; courtesy visit
mujâyakon.m. difficulty, obstacle
mujâhimaadj./adv. unapt; n.m. obstacle
mudanan.m. ceremonial haircut of a baby
mutaüjais. mutavajaha
mutadaïyamadj. pious, honest, honourable
mutapharakaadj./adv. different, diverse, special, separate
mutapharakâtaadj. pl. (sg. mutapharaka) various
mutaradidaadj. rejected, denied
mutalakaadj./adv. free, liberated; completely, fully
mutavajahaadj./adv. attentive
mutasadîn.m. government officer
mutasaraphaadj. owning, governing; n.m. owner
mutasilaadj. united, together; neighbouring
mutaharakaadj. mobile, in motion
mutâlibân.m. claim
mutâlen.m. consideration, assessment
mudaâadj. alleged, supposed
mudatan.f. period of time
mudârâtan.f. courtesy
munatajaraadj./adv. waiting, expecting
munâsabas. munâsiba
munâsibaadj. apt, appropriate, adequate
muphasadan.m. rebel, trouble maker
muphasalaadj./adv. separate, detailed; n.m. 'Mofussil', province, countryside
mubadilaadj. exchanged, replaced
mumatâjaadj. special, select
mumâlakan.m.pl. states, countries, provinces;m. maharusâ n.m.pl. dependent states, protectorates
muratabaadj. well ordered, prepared; appointed
murasâadj. guilded, decorated, studded with jewels
mulâjamatan.f. service
mulâjamatîn.f. service
mulâhajân.m. examination, inspection; attentiveness
mulâhijâs. mulâhajâ
mulhâijâs. mulâhajâ
muvâphakas. mavâphaka
musakalaadj. difficult
musakasaadv. certainly, under any circumstances
musatakalaadj. solid, lasting
musatophîn.m. high-ranking officer
musaphakaadj. gentle, mild
musaraphaadj. honourable; n.m. officer, supervisor
musakhasaadv. certainly, under any circumstances
musâphatan.f. distance; journey
musâhaban.m. pal, friend
muhamman.f. important matter
muhâsabân.f. calculation, account
muhoras. mohara
mûjâmkaus. mujâyako
mehan.m. rain, humid weather
maihagâin.f. misery, hard times, rise in prices
mokal-v.t. to send, dispatch
mokuphaadj. stopped, blocked, suspended
mojân.m. village; place
morusîadj. inherited, hereditary
molan.m. price, worth
mohadon.m. mouth;m. kâr-: to demand boldly
moharan.m. seal; gold coin
maujûda / maujudaadj./adv. present, existent; available
mautâdan.f. custom; fixed quantity
mhepron. we
mhes. meha
mhaijaran.m. assembly hall;mh.-nâmo/-â: petition
yanâyatas. inâyata
yamanîn.f. carnelian
yâkutan.m. ruby, garnet
yevajas. aivaja
rakaman.f. amount, sum
rajaban.m. 7th month of the Islamic calendar
rajâbamdas. rajâmamda
rajâmamdaadj. willing, consenting, ready
raju / rajûn.m. return; refuge;r. kar-: to return, to ask for help
radabadalan.m. change, exchange; meeting, discussion
raphâkatîs. riphâkatî
raphen.m. removal; resolution; release
rabîn.f. spring, harvest reaped in spring
ramanâs. ramano
ramanon.m. hunting ground
rayatan.f. farmer, tenant, client
rasatan.f. provisions, supplies, ration
rasamîyâtan.f.pl. customs, practices
rasîdan.f. reception, receipt
rahajana / râhajanahighwayman
rahamatan.f. mercy, compassion, divine grace
râjîadj. pleased, content
rin.f. turmoil, rebellion
râdhîn.f. discharge, pus
râbânauadj. gone, departed, dispatched
râvatîn.f. small tent; small chamber
râsiadj. of mediocre quality (esp. horses)
râhadârîn.m. collector of toll-charges
râhaunon.m. pledge, security
rikâban.m.pl. servants, slaves
riphâkatîn.f. comradeship, friendship
rîtan.f. way, manner, style
rîphâkatas. riphâkatî
rîyâyata / riyâyatan.f. favour, generosity
rîsâlâs. rîsâlo
rîsâlon.m. cavalry, cavalry unit
rukân.m. note, short written communication
rukasadas. rukhasada
ruth- / rûth-v.i. to be angry, be annoyed with sb./sth.
ru-ba-ruadv. opposite, in presence of, from eye to eye
rukhasadan.f. departure
rûyadâdan.f. report, account
retîn.f. sand, dust; sandbank in a river
rehakalân.m. two-wheeled cart
raityas. rayata
ron.m. direction
ron.m. current, torrent
rokas. rokara
rokaran.f. cash money
rojanâmân.m. diary, journal
rojînaun.m. daily pay, wages
rosanaadj. evident, clear
laïmmaadj. low, mean
laban.m. bank of a river
lasakaran.m. army camp
lâjimaadj./adv. necessary
lâraadv./postpos. behind, after
lâlacan.m. greed
lîkan.f. line, path, track
lugâin.f. woman, wife
luna / lûnan.m. salt
lothan.m. corpse
lolakan.m. earring, nose ring
lhasakaras. lasakara
lhoroadj. small, young
lhorîadj. f. small, young
vakatan.m. time
vakâyân.f.pl. events, news
vakâyes. vakâyâ
vagairaha / vâgairahaadv. and so on, etc.
varûdaadj./adv. appearing, visible
vâkaphaadj. informed; n.m. expert
vâkîphas. vâkapha
vâkaun.m. death
vâjabîadj. necessary, due, apt
vâjabula arajan.f. written petition
vâjamîs. vâjabî
vâran.m. nearside of the river
verânas. vairâna
vairânaadj. destroyed, laid waste
volâmn.m.pl. hail, hailstorm
saraphan.m. high position, high rank
sukaran.m. thanks, gratefulness
khamjaran.m. crooked knife, scimitar
khadabhadon.m. noise, tumult
kharacan.m. expenses
kharacîs. kharaca
kharîphan.m. autumn; autumnal harvest
khalakan.m. people, crowd
khalalan.m. break, breach; misunderstanding
khalâsaadj. free, released; n.m. release
khalîtân.m. bag, purse
khasa-bois. khusa-boi
khasaman.m. husband
khâmvamdas. khâvada
khâtaran.f. thought; respect; esteem; postpos.:kî kh.: regarding;kh. mai â-: to like;jo shrîjî kîkhâtara mubâraka mai âvai: 'as Your Majesty likes';kh. jamâm/jmâ
khâtarîs. khâtara
khâtras. khâtara
khâtrîs. khâtara
khâmaadj. unripe, premature
khâradâraadj. thorny, studded with thorns
khâvadan.m. master, husband
khâsa âman.m.pl. the people, crowd
khâhas. khuvâha
khâha-nâkhâhaadv. willy-nilly; under any circumstance
khâha-makhâhas. khâha-nâkhâha
khîtâban.m. form of address; title
khîjamatan.f. service
khîjamatagâras. khîdamatagâra
khîjamatîs. khîjamata
khînaadj. weak, ill
khîdamatan.f. favour, service
khîdamatagâran.m. servant
khîphatan.f. insult, humiliation
khîragîn.f. impertinence, malice
khîlaatan.m. robe of honour
khîlavatan.f. lonely place; private conversation, private audience
khîlavatîs. khîlavata
khîlon.m. nail
khîlâphaadj./adv. opposite, conflicting
khîsâratan.f. loss, damage, wound
khudâyan.m. God (used exclusively for the God of the Muslims)
khuphîyyâadj. hidden, secret
khumâran.m. drunkenness, ecstasy
khulada-mamjalaposthumous title of Bahâdur Shâh ('living in paradise')
khulada-makâmposthumous title of Aurangzeb ('residing in heaven')
khuvâ-v.t. to feed
khuvâmnacâs. khonacâ
khuvâhaadj./adv. wishing, yearning
khusa-boin.f. fragrance, perfume, essence
khusa-vakhataadj. happy, content
khusâbamn.f. flattery, greeting
khusyâlaadj. happy, content
khedhan.m. enmity, war, resistance
kheraadj./adv. good; n.m. health, prosperity
khehan.m. dust
khairâtîadj. intended for charitable purposes
khuvâms. khonacâ
khonacân.m. box, case
khopha-rajâs. khopha-rajâ
khopha-rijân.m. anxiety, tension
khohalâs. khohalo
khohalon.m. cave
samgan.m. stone, precious stone
sammnihas. savânhâ
saâdatan.f. happiness, wealth
saïn.f. efforts, endeavours
sakarâin.f. charge paid for the encashment of a bill
sakisatas. sikasata
sagâsoin.f. relatives, family
sajâyan.f. punishment
sajâvalîn.f. office of the tax collector
sadînum. one hundred (in cmpds.)
sanadan.f. document certifying the grant of a Jâgîr
sanadîs. sanada
sanavâtîn.f.pl. devalued money which is still circulating
sapârisan.f. recommendation, introduction
sapha-jamgan.f. battle formation, battle-field
saphîla parakotân.m. city wall
sababan.m. cause, reason
sabîlan.f. way; manner;s. kar-: to borrow, collect (money)
samen.m. time
saramjâman.m. completion; adj./adv. complete, done
sarakâran.f. administrative district of the Mughal Empire; state, government (of Jaipur/Amber or Marwar)
saragarammaadj. diligent, enthusiastic
saragarohan.m. leader, commander
sarapâvan.m. long robe, robe of honour
sarapecan.m. kind of ribbon or ornament fixed to the turban as a mark of distinction
sarapharâjaadj./adv. distinguished, honoured
sarabarâhaadj./adv. done; collected (taxes)
sarabulamdaadj. august, majestic
sarabulamn.f. majesty, greatness
saramimadj. modest; embarassed
sarahadan.m. border territory
sarâphân.m. bank, financial market
sarâhan.f. praise, appreciation, admiration
sarîkan.m. partner
sarun.m. beginning
salâhan.f. advice, discussion;s. dolatî: good advice
saluka / salûkan.m. conduct
savânhân.m.pl. events, news
savâran.m. rider, cavalryman
savâran.m. early morning
sakharîs. sakharo
sakharoadj. good, fine
sasa-num. six (in cmpds.)
sahulîyatan.f. easiness
mryon.m. camel
sâiraadv. in addition; n.m. land the yield of which is exempt from taxation
sâgiradan.m. servant, subject
sâjan.f. arms, weapons; gear of mounts
sâdan.m. wish, yearning
sâdakaadj. true, just, trustworthy
sâdaraadj./adv. issued
sâdiraadj./adv. issued
sâdeyâmn.m.pl. celebrations
sâbakas. sâbika
sâbikan.m. previous, earlier
sâbutaadj. solid, stable
sâyadaadv. maybe
sâyasatâadj. apt, worthy
sâraun.m. power, authority
sâlagîrahan.m. birthday
sâlînos. sâlîyâno
sâlîyânâs. sâlîyâno
sâlîyânon.m. annual income; land taken on lease for one year
sâhaus. syâhau
sikasatan.f. defeat
sinasinîn.f. noise
sirapecas. sarapeca
silasilepostpos. in order, sequence
silahain.f.pl. weapons
sî-num. three (in cmpds.)
sîpârasan.f. recommendation
sîra joraadj. stubborn, rebellious
sîkhan.f. instruction, information
suj-v.i. to swell
sunharî-rupaharîadj. made of gold and silver
suparadan.f. handing over, entrusting
supedaadj. white
suphaidîn.f. cleaning
subahâmadj. praising, gloryfying
subha-bâmchakan.m. friend, well-wisher
suratin.f. remembrance, thought
surâkhan.m. hole, opening
sulahan.f. settlement, peace treaty
sulâhas. salâha
suvâlan.m. question
suvâras. savâra
susataadj. heavy, clumsy, lazy
susarân.m. father-in-law
seran.f. journey, excursion
selan.m. spear
sehatan.f. health
sogamdan.f. oath
sogamdhan.f. oath
soran.m. noise, tumult, uproar
sovamanum.ord. third
sokhîn.f. cunning, treachery
sohabatan.f. meeting, discussion, conversation
saukan.f. predilection, wish
smâlhan.m. care, attention
smes. same
syâhaun.m. inventory, register
hamgâmon.m. tumult, turmoil, rebellion
hammavâragîn.f. duration, long duration, eternity
hakîkatan.f. fact, reality; the events
hakîkatîs. hakîkata
hajaratan.f. highness, majesty (almost exclusively used for the Emperor)
hajuran.m./f. presence; highness, majesty; court;h. bhej-: tosend sth. to a person of higher rank
hajurîs. hajura
hattalamakadûraadv. to the best of one's ability
hathakarîn.f. chain to tie hands together
hadan.f. border
haphata-num. seven (in cmpds.)
hayâtan.f. life
harakâron.m. messenger, courier
haragajaadv. anytime, by any means
haragijaadv. anytime, by any means
harâma-namakan.m. traitor, bastard
haraulan.m. vanguard, advance guard
havâdâraadj. open, airy
hasata-num. eight (in cmpds.)
hasîtan.m. shareholder
hâjaraadj. present;gaira-h.: absent
hâlan.m. condition, situation; present; adv. now
hâsalas. hâsila
hâsilan.m. result; yield, collected taxes
hîjaadv. only, exclusively, by any means
hîdâyatan.f. honesty; guidance
hîmâyatîn.f. support, patronage
hîranan.m. deer, gazelle
humdîn.f. bill, draft
hudîs. humdî
hujatîn.f. objection
huron.m. abuse, insult
hodon.m. howdah